Some of our first briquetting plants were delivered for industrial fuel for boilers. Most of the plants have been sold in Scandinavia and especially Sweden. Some of these machines have been operating for more than 30 years.
Turning waste into value
The customers typically have been planning factories with dry shavings. The briquetting presses have enabled the customers to improve their profitability, as they have turned their waste into profit. The presses are typically placed in a separate building and operate without supervision.
Originally, briquettes were made in 60 mm diameter, but today most briquettes are made in 75 mm. The briquettes are typically sold to district heating plants.
Over the years the briquetting presses have been upgraded and today they include the latest technology resulting in higher capacities and lower costs per ton produced.
Click at the cases below to see how our customers have turned their waste into value.
Esben M. Vestergaard
Regional Sales Manager
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